Greetings to all!
It gives me an immense pleasure to bring out volume 9 issue 3 of Journal of Medical Sciences and Health. Starting the first issue in 2015, to inspire the scientific researchers to encourage their innovative works in their field of excellence, journal has evolved and is growing with great energy and has created a unique platform for researchers. Since then, the articles have started flooding from India as well as from outside India. The journal has traveled a long way to achieve this form of glory.
...This issue contains special 18 articles of which 9 are original articles, 4 case series and 5 case reports, such as metastatic trends in breast cancer, anxiolytic activity of ondansetron, heart disease in pregnancy and it outcomes, awareness of dog bite and management, vector borne disease, air medical casualty evacuation, health seeking behaviours of tribal mothers with LBW babies, scrub typhus, COVID-19 MIS-C, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis in post COVID period, Burkholderia capacity, Trichoadenoma of Nikolowski and Melanocytic Naevi, counselling in retinal detachment, chocolate stick causing concealed intestinal perforation, congenital intrapericardial herniation of liver, tandem kidney covering most interesting and innovative research work from various discipline and many more such interesting scientific articles.
We would like to place in record the patronage and support provided by Paramapoojya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha Mahaswamiji, Chancellor, Adichunchanagiri University in bringing out the journal and to the journey of success so far.
As an Executive Editor-in-Chief, I appreciate and congratulate the authors for their finest high-quality submissions and reviewers of our journal for their unbiased peer review conducted in a timely manner. We value the importance of rapid publication process, and our Journal of Medical Sciences and Health editorial team is setting their efforts to expedite the processing of submitted manuscripts. We request and encourage all the interested dynamic research to be a part Journal of Medical Sciences and Health and we welcome your contribution. We invite the health care fraternity from all disciplines to consider our journal as an appropriate channel for the publication of your own high-quality research.
We at Journal of Medical Sciences and Health strive to provide readers with innovative and informative research.
My best regards to all of you
Thanking You
Executive editor in chief
Dr. M. G. Shivaramu
Year: 2024, Volume: 11, Issue: 1
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